School: F. Chopin Moscow State College of Musical Performance
Professor: Sergey Artsibashev
He was born in Buzuluk in Orenburg Region. He began his music studies at 6 playing piano, violin and appearing in concerts in competitions as a singer at the same time. He took part in musical and theatre project “ExtraOrdinary Miracle” in Orenburg where he starred in two musicals.
In 2014 and 2015 he won grants of the “New Names” Foundation. He is a prize-winner of the “Child of the Universe” festival in Cannes, France in 2014.
International Competition in Pforzheim (Germany, 2012, I prize)
International Competition in Dobric (Bulgaria, 2012, I prize)
International Competition in Albena (Bulgaria, 2012, I prize)
Savshinsky International Competition (Saint Petersburg, 2012, III prize; 2014, I prize)
“The Way to Mastery” International Piano and Ensemble Music Competition (Rostov-On-Don, 2014, II prize; 2016, I prize)
“Heirs of Orpheus” International Competition (Albena, Bulgaria, 2014, I prize)
“Musikalisches Feuerwerk” International Competition (Mühlacker, Germany, 2015, Grand Prix)
Mozart International Competition (Tbilisi, Georgia, 2016, I prize)
International Competition in Bursa (Turkey, 2016, I prize)
International Competition in Main (USA, 2016, I prize)
Tenerife International Competition (Spain, 2016, I prize)
II Vladimir Krainev Moscow International Piano Competition (2017, diploma)
XVII Youth Delphic Games of Russia (Vladivostok, 2018, diploma)
International Competition in memory of Vera Lothar- Shevchenko (Ekaterinburg, 2018, II prize)
F. Schubert. Impromptu in G-flat major, D. 899 #3
C. Debussy. Two preludes:
La Cathédrale engloutie
F. Liszt. Hungarian Rhapsody #12 in C-sharp minor, S. 244
L. Desyatnikov. Two fragments from “Echoes of the Theatre”:
From the Life of Kaschey
The Chase
F. Liszt. Piano Concerto #1 in E-flat major, S. 124